Citrix workspace app dpi scaling

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Citrix workspace app dpi scaling 


Configuration of DPI matching and client-side scaling with Citrix Workspace app for Windows - 25 answers to this question


Default mode with all versions of CWA for Windows up to This mode is not supported with mixed DPI settings, where multiple monitors are connected to the local Windows client and configured with different DPI scales. Failed to load featured products content, Please try again. Customers who viewed this article also viewed. Log in to Verify Download Permissions. Information DPI scaling is a critical consideration when using high-resolution monitors over x with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops.

Important considerations: Text and graphics may appear blurry as a result of the upscaling or stretching of the Citrix session. May decrease performance when connecting to sessions using legacy graphics mode. Change the settings as required. Was this page helpful? Thank you! Sorry to hear that. Name Name is required. I've rolled back to for the time being but would like to fix the problem.

My Windows 11 configuration is two monitors - one x external display and one x internal display. I only use the virtual desktop on the x external monitor. Is there some way to reduce the additional scaling Citrix adds to the virtual desktop the display scaling option is not available in settings within the virtual desktop?

Or alternatively, is there a way to force Citrix to adopt Windows scaling and resolution so that the fuzzyness is removed? You will be able to leave a comment after signing in. Welcome to the Citrix Discussions.

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Citrix workspace app dpi scaling

    Starting with Citrix Workspace App (CWA) for Windows , DPI matching is enabled by default. This means CWA will attempt to match display resolution and. How do I change the resolution of Citrix Workspace? Right-click the CWA for Windows icon in the Windows notification area (systray).
